wargo family collage


Not much to say, we met, we fell in love, we got married then we made a family! Here's a picture of the family in Cullowhee, NC - May, 2008.

Wargo Family Photo

Actually, Anna and I met at a trade show - I was at an event and bumped into a friend who introduced us. I was heading to meet some other people, so I didn't stay long to chat. About 8 months later, we were both at a trade show in a different city - I'm not sure how it happened, but I ended up having lunch with her at the event.

The first photo of Anna and John

Fast forward and we're both at the same conference where we met - she invited me to her company's party where I had way too many gin and tonics and told her that she was everything I was looking for in a woman. She dragged me off to a corner of the party and kissed me. We were engaged in 8 months and married just a few months after that. Here's a picture of the two of us just a few minutes before our first kiss. When I look at her, what I see is the face in this picture.

Note: Our first photo courtesy of David M. Via