wargo family collage

Worst Dad Ever

Posted: December 26, 2010 | Categories: The Twins

This weekend I did some things that just has Anna shaking her head.

We went over to a friend's house Friday afternoon and they had a trampoline in their garage. It was for a neighbor's Christmas gift to his kids and they were storing it for them. Of course the kids started bouncing on it (which I admit was pretty dangerous). I of course quickly noticed that the kids could climb up on the stair railing into the house and jump off onto the trampoline for more bounce. At first I offered to toss Elizabeth onto the trampoline from there, but she chickened out. She climbed up on the railing, right next to Anna, and as I made sure she was safe up there (as safe as she could be standing on a railing over a concrete garage floor), she jumped onto the trampoline.

It was so funny to see Anna jump out of her skin when she saw Elizabeth leap!  She was standing right next to her and didn't notice she was up on the railing.  Too funny!

Of course I had to let each of the kids do it once before I forced a stop.

When we got home, we delivered a gift to our neighbor's across the street and as we came home we (me and the kids) noticed that it would be really cool to ride the kettcar down the driveway. Here's a picture of the driveway (snow covered today of course).


August chickened out, tugged on the break all the way down. When Elizabeth did it, she went full tilt, down the driveway, across the street (with me making sure there were no cars coming of course) and into our yard. When she hit our yard, she went over the curb and went airborne (just a foot or so) before coming crashing down.

After seeing Elizabeth do it, August wanted to try it again and did it full speed. Too much fun!

Everyone's safe and nobody got hurt - but Anna questions ever letting me alone with the kids.

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