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Book Update

Posted: June 19, 2009 | Categories: BlackBerry Development Fundamentals

Finished chapter 16 late last night. The chapter turned out pretty well, better than I expected. All I have left to do writing-wise is finish half of chapter 10. I should be able to complete that by Monday and the writing will be done.

As soon as the writing is done, the editing/review process begins. I've got the first half of the book in the review process, so all I need to do is get the last half in there. Monday begins giving each chapter a thorough read then send them off to the reviewers and the editor. Should take me a couple of weeks to get that going (there are 9 chapters to work on) and get this HUGE project wrapped up.

I now know why every computer book is dedicated to the wife of the author. Writing a technical book is a huge undertaking and Anna has had to do almost everything these last 8 months as I worked on this thing. Good thing she's awesome.

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