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Easiest Chapter Yet

Posted: May 13, 2009 | Categories: Miscellaneous, BlackBerry Development Fundamentals

Well, I had to whack a chapter from the book last night. I can't say which one and I can't say why, but it was one I was really looking forward to writing.  Since I no longer have to write it, it's the easiest one I worked on (or didn't work on I guess).

Here's where the book stands:

  • I've put six chapters through the editing process.
  • I submitted three new chapters to the editor last night.
  • I have one chapter in the review process.

I just can't seem to finish chapter 10. It's about a third written, but the other two thirds cover some new tools that RIM has in beta and I can't get one of them to work and I can't download the other. What I'm going to do tonight, after all of my other work is finished of course, is start work on chapter 11 which should be about the hardest to write.

Chapter 11 is the first chapter on building Java applications for BlackBerry. It won't be necessarily that hard to write, it's just that it's a VERY big topic and I will need to be very careful to be structured, organized and concise in my writing. The book isn't supposed to be a book on Java, there's another one coming out that covers that, but I want to make sure I'm thorough.  I'll start the outline tonight and start plugging away on it. At my current pace/schedule, I'll have 18 days to work on this chapter.  It should be doable although I think I'm coming down with something.

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