wargo family collage

Exploding Beer Cans

Posted: September 8, 2009 | Categories: The Twins

I went camping a few weeks ago with a couple of buddies and we had some beer left over (actually pretty hard to imagine if you think about it). Rather than bring a bunch of beer home (I really don't drink Beer at home - allergic to it) I suggested I leave the cooler for the next batch of campers to drink.

Well, I got the cooler back this weekend and it had a few beers I liked in it still plus a few I would never drink. I asked August to put the ones I liked into the basement fridge and cautioned him to be careful - that if he dropped one, it would explode. His immediate response was 'can we explode some?'  I said sure, as soon as you put those in the fridge.

So, with 5 Coors Light (yuck) in hand we headed outside. I showed the kids how to shake up the beer and throw it way up in the sky to crash on the driveway. Big exploding beer cans - too much fun.  So, the kids each took two and threw them as high as they could and watched the beer mayhem that followed.

Of course, we had to hose off the driveway to clean up the stanky beer - and that caused another kind of mayhem. I was quickly soaked and about 20 minutes of water play followed. In all, a good time was had by all.

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