wargo family collage


Posted: March 16, 2009 | Categories: BlackBerry Development Fundamentals

Well, I did it. I'm halfway through the book. I finished chapter 8 last night and I'm pretty excited. I'm at about 200 pages right now and per my publishing contract I'm supposed to deliver a book of approximately 400 pages. I also have 17 chapters planned for the book and the last couple of them are pretty short, so at 8 chapters, I'm at about half.

I guess in my mind I really didn't think this thing was real until I'd gotten half of the book behind me. I'm enjoying working with the editor, I'm getting the help from RIM that I need and I should be able to get the first few chapters over for editing by next weekend. I've got a bunch of people reviewing the chapters and I am waiting for the last reviews before I send them over. Once the editing is done, the book will go up online at Safari Books Online and people can start reading it and pre-order copies.

I'm speaking at a Domino Developer and Administrator conference in Boston in April and the sponsors of that event want to promote my book on the Lotus User Group web site. So that's cool.

One of my best friends is an executive at IBM and he's asked for permission to write the forward for the book, that's exciting too

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