wargo family collage


Posted: February 11, 2009 | Categories: Geeking Out

I got a contract for my book!!! I signed it last night and sent it over. The book is called Fundamentals of BlackBerry Application Development and it should be released by Addison-Wesley some time this fall.  I'm wrapping up chapter 6 right now and need to have the whole book finished by July 15th. I've got a lot of work in front of me.

I'm really enjoying the writing and I'm being pretty disciplined about it. It's a lot of work (a whole bunch). With research and confirming my facts, flow and content - it's taking me about an hour per page to write the thing. I have three people reviewing the manuscript as I finish the chapters, so I'm sure it's going to be in great shape when I deliver the manuscript to the publisher.

Stay tuned for more information!!

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