wargo family collage


Posted: January 16, 2009 | Categories: Geeking Out

Well, it was -8 degrees this morning, supposed to be -13 tomorrow. Horrible cold.  Furnace broke twice in the last couple of weeks.  Logs going on.

Contacted one of my friends at Binary Tree yesterday. Got a chance to apologize for the way things ended up. I tried to contact him right after the event, but he wasn't in the mood to hear from me. I'm glad everything is OK between us; he's been a friend for a long time.

Heard from my friend Laura - it had been quite a while since I talked with her. It was great to hear some of the cool things she's doing.

I took my Lotus Domino Developer Certification Exam this afternoon. I registered for the wrong test, so it took a lot longer than I'd expected. I wasn't very prepared for the test, but I passed - that's all that matters. I've now been a certified Lotus Notes developer since version 2 all the way through 8 - I think I got my Notes 2 certification in 1993?  Can't remember, but it's been a very long time. I'm trying to find out how many people are left that have certifications going back that far (there wasn't a Notes 1 certification).

It's time to start planning for Lotusphere (it's next week). Always bittersweet for me. I met Anna at the conference, but I also learned my mother had passed while there. It's year #14 for me for the event, only a few have attended more. I'm looking forward to hanging out with some of my old friends next week.  I hope I'm up for it - I've been sick all week, I hope I can still party!

Trying to finish chapter 4 of the book. Should have it done by Sunday night. I've got some friends reviewing it as I go and I hope to hear from the publisher soon.

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