wargo family collage


Posted: February 1, 2010 | Categories: The Twins

I've always had pet names for the twins. We started out calling them by their given names although we struggled for the first couple of weeks saying ‘August.’ Over time I started mixing in different names for them, to the point where the kids really aren’t sure what we’re going to call them.

In general, I started calling August G-Man – in an effort to educate him that some people will ultimately call him Gus (although we don’t, my brother does).  I call him Dude a lot too.

Because of the whole g-man thing, I started calling Elizabeth E-girl. It seemed to make sense. Over time we have called her a bunch of other things: doodle bug, bug, punkin’ and more.  My brother? He calls her Spike – I’m not quite sure why (nor am I sure that he knows why).

Anyway, the other morning I was having some trouble getting out of bed. I was just lazing around trying to find a reason to not get out of bed. Elizabeth came up and we spent some time talking. August came up later and for some reason I called him punkin.’ He immediately reminded me that punkin’ was Elizabeth and he was g-man. He immediately Tooted (what Anna calls farting) so I decided that for that day, his name was going to be g-stink instead of g-man. August thought that was mightily funny and it became part of our banter for the remainder of the week.

Don’t let the g-stink get ya!

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