wargo family collage

Our Grand Vacation (Day 1)

Posted: August 11, 2015 | Categories: Anna

Here we go, off on a vacation. First of all, we had to get Abby from the airport. Since she was coming in and we were soon thereafter leaving, we decided to take two cars to the airport. We loaded up the kids and headed off. I parked my car in the daily parking lot while Anna parked her car in the short-term parking. August was with me and Lizzy was with Anna.

Since I got there first, August and I headed into the airport to meet Abby. She'd already landed, so we got to baggage claim at about the same time. After getting huge hugs from Abby, Lizzy and Anna arrived and the screaming (and more hugs) began. We hung out at the airport for a while, filling Abby in on all of the things she needed to know then sent them on their way home. The coolest thing about this is that we both trusted Abby so completely that we sent them off and didn't worry about them at all the whole trip.

At that point, Anna and I were on our own for the first extended period in about 10 years. We had a leisurely lunch (with cocktails, of course) and waited for our flight to depart. We flew, uneventfully, to Jackson, MS and landed safely.

After picking up our rental car, we headed off to our first destination for the week: Doe's Eat Place in Greenville, MS. Doe's is a famous steak house and Anna knew I simply had to eat there. I ordered the 2lb Rib-eye, Anna had their tiniest filet. What an amazing steak, it was certainly the largest steak I've ever eaten (yes, I ate the whole thing except for the bone) and close to the best (Ruth's Chris is still better). I wish I'd taken pictures of my ginormous steak, but forgot to do so. The place is a complete dive and we're surprised that they can even pass a health department inspection, but for cold beer and giant steaks, it's the place to go.

Completely stuffed, we headed off to our hotel and collapsed. We checked in with Abby only to find that nothing was going on and everything was fine (what we expected). First day completed without any mishaps.

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